Matcha Swan

Why Matcha is Better than Coffee?

Moms, have you ever stood in the coffee aisle at your local grocery store and wondered which type of coffee to buy? Do you have a regular coffee-drinking routine that's become a part of your morning, but now that you're pregnant or nursing, can't help but wonder if there might be something better for you?

Yes, there is! Matcha is the perfect solution for busy moms who want to make sure they're getting enough nutrients in their diet. It's packed with antioxidants and vitamins A and C—and it's easy to prepare.

If you're thinking about starting a new morning routine, we think you should consider adding Matcha to your coffee!

Here's why:

  1. Matcha has more antioxidants than coffee. It helps protect against cancer, strokes and heart disease.
  2. It contains more L-theanine than coffee, which is a natural relaxant that promotes focus without the jitters or crash associated with caffeine.
  3. Matcha is lower in caffeine than coffee—so while you may not get as jacked up on it, you'll still feel the alertness that comes from having consumed caffeine without feeling like you need to crash a few hours later!
  4. The health benefits of matcha include weight loss (it helps control blood sugar levels), increased energy without the crash of coffee, and decreased risk of type 2 diabetes (thanks in part to its powerful antioxidant properties).

When you're pregnant, it can be hard to figure out what to eat and drink. Some foods and drinks can be fine, while others are off-limits. And then there's the stuff that's actually good for you—but it's not always easy to find.

You don't want to feel like you're giving up all of your favorite things, but you also know that if you keep drinking coffee, it's going to be harder for you to lose the weight—and harder for your baby to grow up healthy.

So what should you do?

Instead of giving up all of your favorite things and feeling miserable, why not try something new?

Matcha is the perfect substitute for coffee—it's a natural source of caffeine that's been used for centuries in Japan as a way for people who do manual labor or long hours at work (like farmers) to get their daily dose of energy. Today, it's also known as a great way to boost mental clarity and focus.

And while it's true that most people who drink Matcha are using it as an alternative to caffeine, that doesn't mean you should think of it as a replacement for coffee. Instead of thinking of Matcha as a way to get rid of your caffeine addiction, try thinking about it as a way to add some healthy nutrients into your diet that will benefit both you and your baby.

Matcha Swan green tea

Did you know that Matcha is a Healthier Alternative to Coffee?

Matcha is great because it doesn't contain caffeine like coffee does—so it won't keep you up at night or make your heart race like coffee might do if you drink too much of it. The caffeine content in Matcha is also significantly lower than in coffee (about half as much), so even one cup is enough to give you a boost without any jitters or negative side effects.

It's also got a lot more vitamins than regular green tea, which means it can give your body an extra boost when you need it most (like during pregnancy).

And speaking of pregnancy: many women find that drinking Matcha helps them feel energized without feeling jittery or anxious about their caffeine intake—because remember: there isn't any! That means moms-to-be can relax and enjoy some Matcha without worrying about it affecting their baby. And if you're breastfeeding: don't worry! Matcha has no effect on the milk supply at all.

Matcha also contains catechins which promote weight loss, lower cholesterol and prevent blood clots. It also lowers the risk of diabetes and reduces inflammation in the body.

It's also important to note that unlike coffee, Matcha doesn't dehydrate your body or cause an "energy crash" after an hour or two like coffee does—in fact, research shows that consuming Matcha prior to working out increases exercise endurance by up to 20%.

Caffeine in Coffee can Cause Birth Defects

We know you love coffee, but did you know that the caffeine in coffee can cause birth defects? In fact, studies have shown that women who consume more than two cups of coffee per day are at an increased risk of miscarriage. We don't want to take away your favorite thing, so we've come up with an alternative: Matcha!

Matcha is a type of green tea that's been around for centuries and is packed with antioxidants and nutrients. It has just as much caffeine as coffee but without all the nasty side effects (and it's delicious). Plus, it's naturally decaffeinated so you can enjoy a cup without worrying about how it will affect your baby.

This is a great way to kick off your pregnancy—with a delicious cup of Matcha!

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